

View frequently asked questions (FAQ) for Indiana State Revolving Fund Bonds.

General Questions

How does the waste water state revolving fund work?
How does the drinking water state revolving fund work?
What types of projects are elegible in the drinking water state revolving fund loan program?

Treatment plant improvements and upgrades, water line replacement and extensions, water storage facilities, security upgrades, metering systems, etc.

Indiana Finance Authority (IFA)

What is a brownfield?

Indiana defines a brownfield site as a parcel of real estate that is abandoned or inactive or may not be operated at its appropriate use and on which expansion or redevelopment is complicated because of the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, a contaminant, petroleum, or a petroleum product that poses a risk to human health or the environment. Many brownfields are obvious eyesores, while some are open fields that look pristine but may have formerly been occupied by a commercial or industrial operation that caused contamination. When fear of known or suspected contamination is hindering transfer, reuse or redevelopment of a property, the site may be considered a brownfield.

Indiana Finance Authority (IFA)

Does the State of Indiana have an inventory list of the brownfields located in Indiana?

No, the State of Indiana does not maintain an inventory list of brownfields.  The State does maintain a list of sites that have entered the Indiana Brownfields Program for financial, technical or legal assistance.  See  The State does not maintain a "Brownfields Inventory" because such a list of properties could be deemed to unfairly stigmatize a property by somehow negatively affecting its market value.  However, if a community organization or local unit of government is interested in addressing brownfields in its community, an important first step is to identify such properties and develop such a list.  This can be done by considering the definition of a brownfield and simply driving through the community, asking local neighborhood organizations for input and enlisting the help of other local governmental entities, such as the health department. The next step is to prioritize the identified brownfield sites, taking into consideration local needs and desires (e.g., as identified in a community's comprehensive plan) and a property's redevelopment viability.  Throughout the process it is important to keep in mind that educating local citizens about brownfields and involving them in long-term planning decisions is vital.

Indiana Finance Authority (IFA)